Coaching Mastery Training, Mentoring and Supervision


Self Factor Coaching


Creating positive support for transformation and results

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Coaching Mastery Training

Mentoring and Supervision

Mentoring for Credentialing

For ICF credentialing purposes, mentor coaching means an applicant being coached on their coaching skills rather than coaching on practice building, life balance, or other topics unrelated to the development of an applicant’s coaching skill. The ICF requires applicants for credentialing to partner with a Mentor Coach who holds a valid credential at or above the level they’re applying for.

Outside of the credentialing purpose, mentoring can be held more broadly to include personal development, practice development and skills development.

Find out more about Mentoring

by clicking: here


Coaching Supervision

Supervision is an on-going relationship that supports the coach in service of their client. It provides a safe space for the coach to reflect on what is and is not working and how they might develop themselves, the relationship and their input so as to have sessions be more effective for the client. It also provides support for the coach to consider and stay aligned with the code of ethics.

Find out more about Coaching Supervision

by clicking: here





Coaching Mastery Training for leaders, managers and other professionals

Mentoring & Superivsion for Coaches

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